
Preventative Dentistry

Preventative dentisty

At No45 Dental we are passionate about helping patients keep good dental health from birth to centenary and beyond. Good dental health throughout life is certainly the biggest factor in reducing risks of dental problems and is now also thought to be of critical importance in maintaining good general health (of heart, brain and other organs) later in life. So we like to start work with youngsters and keep up regular contact as our patients mature.

Our regular 14 point Dental Health Assessment provides a thorough screening of 14 different aspects of the health of your mouth. At each assessment we’ll discuss the state of your dental health and provide advice on how to stay healthy or how to get healthier.

Our hygienists are very important in helping all our patients control the factors that can affect their dental health.

For adults

Current evidence links the effects of dental health with whole body health in senior years, so we are keen to keep seeing our senior patients regularly, particularly if they smoke, have one of a number of specific medical issues like diabetes, heart issues, epilepsy or arthritis, or suffer traumatic life stresses like job loss, divorce or bereavement. We now believe that if you have anyone or more of these conditions, or if your lifestyle includes one of a number of compromises, we must keep a very close watch on periodontal (gum) health.

Keeping you healthy

We calendar regular six monthly to yearly checks and combine this with three to six month reviews with the hygienist. The result of this? Fewer emergencies, fewer toothaches and more confidence.

Maintaining your oral health is important. Monitoring and treating minor problems early can help to avoid larger and more intrusive treatments later on.

For families with children..

Did you know that gum disease and tooth decay are almost totally preventable?

We like to see families with children from a very young age so that we can discuss some of the skills and habits that can make all the difference to future dental health. A whole family approach to this topic can prepare children more effectively for good dental health as adults too.

Please bring toddlers with you to the practice so we can introduce them gently to the concept of dental care. We have a fun and friendly approach with the whole family, whilst keeping an eye on what matters.

Children under the age of six are seen free of charge for routine dental care, provided that one or both of their parents are registered patients with us and regular attendees. From the age of 6 years our Dental Health Plan is designed to help your children stay dentally healthy throughout life.

Get in touch today – we’ll be happy to book you an appointment or help you with any queries.